Saturday, May 28, 2011

Maturity in a relationship

We develop through four phases in a relationship. In the first phase, we focus on getting what we want from the relationship; we consume energy. In the second phase, we discover what we need to commit to the relationship in order to make it grow. In the third phase we learn to sacrifice the ego in order to serve the relationship; we give energy. In the fourth phase, we become love.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Self perception in relationships

A point of contention develops in a relationship when one fails to identify with another. Trying to change another to suit one's self perception of whom they are or ought to be creates conflict of personalities.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Life is a journey of awakening that takes one through four phases. First, one awakens to self; understanding one's self in relation to others. Secondly, one awakens to others; understanding others in relation to one's self. Thirdly, one awakens to God; understanding love and fourthly, one awakens to eternal life, becoming love. Each one is experiencing a different stage of evolution. Others are still asleep.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Purpose of relationships

We do not enter relationships to complete each other, but to support one another to develop into wholesome individuals; completely connected to God. Only One who is Holy will make one whole and through God, we become connected.