Saturday, December 22, 2012


The power of great works is influence;

Influence is changing the behavior of others by showing them how you do it,

without telling them what to do.
Boredom is ...when you stop discovering and learning something new.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It takes a wrong turn to realize that you were on the right track. It takes courage to go back.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

 The burden of emotions weighing on  your mind, are those problems left unresolved.  
When you stop being thankful for what you have, you have begun to take your life for granted.
Love is every act that builds trust.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

If you see your glass as half empty, then you will solve your problems with half measures.If your glass is half full, then you will solve problems with great hope.
If love is limitless, then it can only grow in an open heart.
Love is not hard to find when you grow it inside your heart.
You cannot look for love because love is never lost; it is right where you your heart and you will see it grow inside you. It will show on the outside, in the works that you do.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wisdom does not come with age; children can accomplish great things while grown men show foolishness.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hope is always present but when we narrow our outlook through negative emotions, we loose sight of it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Effort and Confidence

The effort one puts in one's work is a measure of the confidence that one has in the results. A 50% input shows a half measure of  confidence,100% input shows complete confidence in the difference.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Selling yourself short

We are all selling something or buying something.Each time we make a choice, we are buying into an idea and each time we present our self, we are selling an idea.
Our individual passions are unique because they are the pathway to realizing our fullest potential as individuals. In fulfilling our passions,we come full circle with our own identity.If our feet are grounded in knowing and understanding who we are, our life becomes a physical symbol of our ideas.
If we give up our passions to pursue someone else's dream, we live in the shadow of someone else's life.We will always be second guessing our self;every bump in the road becomes a discomfort that we cannot take and every mountain becomes a reason to give up instead of a opportunity to develop character.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Strong relationships

The strongest relationships are those that you enter because of what you can give rather than what you expect to get.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Respecting relationships

The relationships that you maintain matter; they build your character.The strength of your relationships with others is your support system; you climb to higher places in life because of the relationships that you maintain. What you know only matters in making a difference in your sphere of influence. You make a great difference through the problems that you solve.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sharing in a relationship

It is in God's design of love that we share everything we have gained. Anything that we keep for ourselves in the awakening of another's need will grow our ego. The spirit of God cannot find a place to abide in a heart with an active ego.